Empty Nesters Lisa & Bob

Location: Bridgeport, West Virginia, United States

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Waiting/They're going to LEAVE us !



Are you wondering why these animals look so sad? Read on to find out!

At this time of year most people are busy shopping , wrapping and mailing out Christmas gifts and cards. Not us, we finished last month. The gifts were mailed out along with the cards the first week of December ! You might be asking yourself when Lisa & Bob became so efficient ........we really aren't. It's just that like many of you we are eagerly awaiting Christmas this year ,but for a far different reason. Oh we will celebrate the birth of our Lord, but we also hope to be celebrating someone else's birth..........Audrey Marie our first grandchild is due on Christmas Day.

The only drawback to her birth is that we live 450 miles away , about a 7 hour drive . Heather plans to call us the minute she is admitted to the hospital . Our suitcases are partially packed and the directions are in both cars. There is one drawback.........we have to leave our four legged children in West Virginia ! Hopefully Audrey Marie will cooperate and arrive after our high school dog/cat sitter in on Christmas . If she doesn't then we will have to board them and although they go to a "spa" they are much happier at home.
Look for a new blog entry when our grand daughter arrives !