Empty Nesters Lisa & Bob

Location: Bridgeport, West Virginia, United States

Sunday, January 07, 2007


On December 28, 2006 the most perfect beautiful child came into this world. Our granddaughter Audrey Marie. Heather called Lisa at work on Wednesday December 27 to inform her she would be induced on Thursday. We were partially packed, so Lisa rushed home, Bob called the dog sitter and off to Indiana we went. When we were almost there Heather called to tell us that she was in the hospital and labor had started , but we had plenty of time and to go to her house first. On arriving at her home we called and Heather told us to get some sleep , labor was very slow and she would call us if we needed to get to the hosptial. We didn't get a phone call that night , but were up bright and early and off to the hospital Thursday morning. Since her labor was not progressing it was decided to induce , after a total of 29 hours of labor Audrey came screaming into the world just as her Mom did ! Even though she was a few days late , she is the best Christmas present we could have received.