Empty Nesters Lisa & Bob

Location: Bridgeport, West Virginia, United States

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Audrey's first visit to West Virginia

This dress was purchased in Sicily before Audrey was born . It will be a family heirloom for future Wissler Grandchildren to wear.
Bob Heather Audrey and Matt being "porch monkies"

Audrey had her first road trip on the night of April 20 (into the 22) , her parents thought it best to travel at night so she would sleep. She arrived at Nonnie & Grandpa's home around 2:00 AM and went right back to sleep. Audrey took this long trip to be baptized at her Mom's home church.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter with Audrey

We took a trip to Indiana to spend Audrey's first Easter with her , although the weather felt more like Thanksgiving (cold and snow flurries,) the Easter bunny did visit, he didn't bring Audrey any candy, but she got lots of new clothes and some toys to play with. Nonnie and Grandpa took Audrey to the mall for a visit with the Easter bunny, she really could have cared less about the entire ordeal ! But Nonnie had to get this picture taken !
Matt , Audrey and Heather Easter morning. What a beautiful family
Nonnie, Audrey, Grandpa and our grand dog Bling
I think Audrey has a shoe fetish, do you think she got that from her Mom?

They're home !

Nick and Becca returned to the states March 7 during a spring snow storm, although it was a long trip home it was well worth the wait! Here is Bob , Nick and Heather with the 1st course of the dinner they made for us, pasta Sicilian style.
Second course was Sicilian lamb , it tasted a good as it looks!
No posting would be complete without a picture of our grand dog Steve Wissler!
This is my favorite picture of Nicholas and me !

They are now in Mississippi getting acclimated to a new city and waiting for their furniture to arrive. And we are so happy to have all our children living on the same continent, at least for a little while .